Diabetes: Consume these 5 herbs on empty stomach to manage blood sugar levels

While diabetes can be controlled with medication or insulin, the role of lifestyle changes like eating the right foods (low GI foods) in reasonable portions and physical activity cannot be ignored. Diabetes is diagnosed when your body doesn’t make enough insulin or is not able to use it properly. While there is no cure for the metabolic disease so far, studies show that it is possible for some people to reverse it with diet changes and weight loss. Especially, if you are a prediabetic, chances of reversing the disease are even more. Ayurveda too can help in managing blood sugar levels and reverse prediabetes with a set of herbs, many of which are available in your kitchen. (Also read: Are you at risk of diabetes? Factors that increase your chances of getting the disease)

From fenugreek, black pepper, cinnamon to ginger, these amazing herbs can work wonders for your blood sugar levels; all you have to do it is to take them at the right time and in a correct way.

Dr Dixa Bhavsar in her recent Instagram post talked about few ayurvedic herbs that can help manage blood sugar levels in type 2 and type 1 diabetes.



One of the best ayurvedic herbs for diabetes, obesity and cholesterol due to its bitter taste, hot potency, it reduces fasting blood sugar, improves glucose tolerance and also lowers total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides.

How to consume

– 1 tsp powder (5 gm) with warm water on an empty stomach or at bedtime.

– Soak 1 tsp methi seeds overnight, have it on empty stomach next morning along with the water.


Black pepper(Pixabay)
Black pepper(Pixabay)

It improves insulin sensitivity and your body’s capacity to lower blood sugar levels and prevent sugar spikes. It contains a vital ingredient ‘piperine’ that regulates the balance.

How to consume

– 1 black pepper (crushed) with 1 tsp turmeric; can be consumed on an empty stomach or 1 hour before dinner.



It reduces insulin resistance and helps reduce blood sugar spikes post meals. Super useful in melting excess fat and keeping cholesterol in check.

How to consume

– 1 tsp cinnamon mixed with half tsp turmeric and half tsp methi powder, to be consumed on an empty stomach.

– A small piece of cinnamon can be added in herbal tea.


This combination of Nisha (turmeric) and Amalki (amla) is one of the favourite diabetes formulations of ayurvedic doctors as it balances sugar levels, helps you feel energetic, reduces excess kapha, boosts your immunity and even prevents diabetic complications.

How to consume

Mix equal amount of turmeric with amla powder and have it in the dosage of 1 tsp on an empty stomach.



It has anti-diabetic, hypolipidemic and anti-oxidative properties. It improves metabolism and reduces fasting sugar along with HbA1C.

How to consume

– As a ginger tea 1 hour before/after meals.

– 1 tsp dry ginger powder mixed with nisha-amalki.

– You can also mix all these herbs together: half tsp methi, 1 black pepper (powder), a pinch of cinnamon and shunthi (dry ginger powder) with 1 tsp Nisha-Amalki – mixed together, can be consumed first thing in the morning.

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