Demand to sack Kotwal in Ballia: Students’ strike continues for second day, cooked and ate food in front of DM office

Baliya2 hours ago

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In Ballia, the student leaders are doing a siege in the collectorate, demanding the suspension of the city Kotwal. On the second day, there is resentment among the students due to the attitude of the district administration. The student leaders prepared and ate food at the site of the protest and provided food to the complainants, advocates and journalists, including others, who came to the collectorate. During this, Alok Singh said that insensitivity and insensitivity will cost the district administration dearly. During this meeting, it was agreed to run the movement after the festival.

Threatening to picket till suspension is not done

Former student union president Ravi Yadav said that if Kotwal is not suspended at the earliest, then the district will be witness to the historic movement. Ranveer Singh Sengar and Jayendra Pandey said in one voice that the efforts made by the police captain to save their district magistrate their Kotwal is unfortunate. There is a coded conspiracy to malign the image of the administration in the general public. The students said that we will continue the agitation till the dismissal of Kotwal.

Question raised on silence of people who became public representatives

During the dharna, the student leaders said that the people’s representatives are the product of the students’ union and their silence in this fight for self-respect raises questions. In the end, the students paid tribute to Tejashwi Pathak by keeping silence on the death of his wife. Hundreds of student leaders including former president Atulesh Yadav, Nitesh Singh, Rupesh Choubey, Amit Dubey, Alok Singh, Kunwar Mannu Kumar, Ajit Paswan, Nitesh Yadav, Ankit Pandey, Omkar Singh, Rishu Pandey, Sintu Yadav were present among the student leaders sitting on the dharna.

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