Demand raised for release of captive Sikhs: SGPC expressed anger over grant of parole to Ram-Rahim

Amritsar38 minutes ago

SGPC secretary Pratap Singh.

Ram-Rahim, who is in jail for rape and murder, is once again being given parole for 40 days. But the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC) has objected to this. He has accused the governments of showing sympathy to Ram-Rahim. At the same time, the SGPC has once again raised the demand to release the captive Sikhs.


SGPC secretary Pratap Singh has alleged that the state governments are once again going to give 40 days parole to Ram-Rahim. While he has been given pay-roll many times in the past. Various governments are showing sympathy with Ram-Rahim, which is not right. He is also a rapist and a murderer. While many Sikhs of Punjab are lodged in various jails, no one is considering releasing them.

There has been discrimination against Sikhs

Secretary Pratap Singh also talked about discrimination against Sikhs. He said that Sikhs should also be considered for release. But talks have been held with the governments of many states, but they are not considering releasing the Sikhs. On one side are the captive Sikhs, who have completed their sentences, while on the other side there is the rapist Ram-Rahim, who is being repeatedly sent out on parole. This is injustice which has always happened to Sikhs.

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