Delhi: In the last 18 days, the active case of Corona increased by about 430%, more than 30 died.

Delhi Coronavirus News: The number of patients under treatment for corona virus in Delhi was 932 on March 30, which increased to 4,976 on April 17 after about three weeks. An increase of about 430 percent was recorded in the number of such cases. This information is obtained from official figures. More than 13,200 cases of Covid-19 have been reported in Delhi in the last 19 days.

On Monday, the number of patients under treatment for Kovid in Delhi was 4,976, which is about 433 percent more than the 932 cases on 30 March. The number of patients under treatment in the country’s capital was 5,297 on Sunday. In Delhi, there has been a rapid increase in the cases of corona virus in recent times, but the hospitalization rate remains low.

‘Corona virus cases will increase rapidly’

Experts say that there is no need to panic about the increase in Covid cases and people should follow Covid-appropriate behavior and take booster doses of Covid vaccines. On April 13, Suresh Kumar, the medical director of Delhi’s LNJP Hospital, had warned that the national capital could see more cases in the next few weeks. corona virus There will be a rapid increase in the cases of

Highest positivity rate recorded after 14 January 2022

Between March 30 and April 17, more than 30 patients have died and these include five deaths on April 15. According to the data released by the Health Department, 1,017 cases of Kovid were reported in Delhi on Monday and the positivity rate increased to 32.25 percent, which is the highest in the last 15 months. On January 14 last year in the capital, the positivity rate was recorded at 30.6 percent. A total of 4 people died of corona in Delhi on Monday.

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