DC said: Avoid firecrackers containing chemicals

Firozpur17 minutes ago

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DC Amrit Singh.

On the occasion of Diwali, DC Amrit Singh called upon the residents of the district to avoid crackers containing toxic chemicals like lithium and barium. He said that by celebrating Green Diwali, celebrate happiness so that the environment can be saved from getting polluted. He said that in view of the directions issued by the Punjab and Haryana High Court, District Magistrate Amrit Singh has observed the day and night of Diwali in the district from 8 to 10 am and on November 11 from 4 am to 5 am on the day of Gurpurab and from 9 to 10 am. The time for bursting of crackers has been fixed till noon.

He said that people usually burst crackers in the days before Diwali and after Diwali, this has a bad effect on the health of Kovid-19 positive people. Apart from this, there is a complete effect on people who are weak in health. Therefore, on the instructions of the Department of Environment, Science and Technology, to protect the environment, under the instructions of the Supreme Court and the National Green Tribunal, the time period for bursting firecrackers has been fixed, for which strict instructions have been given.

He said that there is a complete ban on manufacturing, stocking and selling of firecrackers containing toxic chemicals like lithium and barium. He said that apart from buying and selling green crackers (without barium, lithium, mercury arsenic, lead or strontium and chromate) would be allowed in the district. Apart from this, the purchase and sale of firecrackers has been allowed only at authorized places. Similarly, online purchase and sale of firecrackers will also be banned. He called upon the residents of the district to promote green crackers to save the environment from pollution.

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