‘Dad is the best’: Kim Kardashian reveals daughter North prefers spending time with father Kanye West

In the latest episode of The Kardashians, Kim Kardashian made a candid confession when her daughter North said she preferred it at her dad’s house.

In a conversation with her sister Kourtney, the mum-of-four said North cried because she doesn’t have an apartment.

Since her divorce from the singer in 2021, Kim has shared honest snippets about her life on the well-known reality show.

In a conversation with her sister Kourtney, the mum-of-four said North cried because she doesn’t have an apartment.

“She’ll go to her dad, she’ll be like ‘Dad is the best, he has it all figured out,” Kim told her sister.

“He doesn’t have a nanny, he doesn’t have a chef, he doesn’t have security. He lives in an apartment.’ And she’ll start crying, ”Why don’t you have an apartment? I can’t believe we don’t have an apartment.”

Kourtney, the um-of-three added that her kids did the same with her ex Scott Disick.

“Dad has the best house, your house sucks,” she quoted her children. “He has the best house. It’s not super big, the vibe’s better.’

“I feel like everything falls on the parent that’s more involved.”

Another segment viral on the internet is when North is seen eating a raw onion like an apple. Kim reacted to this saying the 10-year-old was sent to her “as a lesson” in order to learn more patience.

“She teaches me patience, she has taught me a lot about life,” said the Skims owner to the producers.

When North was asked about the work her mom does, she candidly replied: “What does she do?”

Since then fans have been in hysterics with the one-liner. “North West eating an onion like an apple and replying to the question “what do you think about what your mum does?” with “what does she do?” is the best thing ever. Iconic.” wrote a user on X.

“North West eating a raw onion like it’s an apple while basically calling her mom a freeloader is peak reality tv,” added another.

One user showered love on the little girl with the comment: “There is something so entertaining and real about North West eating a raw onion. Little weird special girl! Love her.”

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