Crores of oxygen plant not started: Delay in laying supply line, CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan inaugurated a year ago

Sehore21 minutes ago

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Due to the lack of oxygen during the corona infection, the patients and their families were very upset. In view of this, an oxygen plant was installed in the district hospital at a cost of crores during the Corona period. Adequate oxygen can be made available to the critical patients in the hospital, but this purpose is not being fulfilled.

The situation is that even after a year of installation of the plant, the supply line has not been laid from the plant to the wards in the district hospital. Due to this, large quantity of oxygen cylinders have to be called from private contractors every month. This raises questions about the viability of the plant.

It is noteworthy that the availability of oxygen should be maintained in the district hospital. For this, two plants of 1000 LMP and 300 LMP were set up in the hospital premises last year from PM Care Fund. The plant here was built at a cost of one crore 33 lakh rupees. Whose virtual launch was done in September 2021. Plants were set up in the hospital.

Line laid only till ICU

A year has passed, but the work of laying the supply line to the wards has not been done here. Due to this the plant is not being fully utilized. Maternal and child intensive care units, PICUs and maternity units consume large amounts of oxygen. But the oxygen line has not reached in these units. Only here the line was laid till the ICU.

Serious children are kept for treatment in SNCU and PICU, where large number of cylinders are consumed every month. According to departmental figures, about 450 cylinders are required here. which are called through private contractors.

Additional facilities will be available in the hospital

Civil Surgeon Dr. Praveer Gupta says that instructions have been given. The work was halted due to rain. Will start soon, additional facilities will be available in the hospital. PIU’s EE Sanjay Pathak says that the work was stuck due to non-payment. The payment has been made just a few days ago, soon the supply line will be laid.

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