Created his first software program at the age of only 13! Learn the revolution in technology

Bill Gates Birthday Special: Bill Gates’ name is included in the list of richest people in the world. Bill Gates, the owner of uncountable wealth, donates a large part of his wealth to the cause of social service. The full name of Bill Gates is William Henry Gates. He is celebrating his 68th birthday today (Bill Gates Birthday). He was born on 28 October 1955 in Washington. Bill Gates was the youngest of all his siblings. His parents wanted him to become a lawyer after studying law, but his interest was in technology since childhood. He wrote his first software program at the age of only 13. After this, in 17 years, he sold the first computer program.

Bill Gates changed the world forever
It is worth noting that the contribution of Bill Gates has been not only in the field of computer but also in other fields. Due to them computer has become a household item in today’s time. Along with this, the reach of the Internet has also increased a lot in the last few times. In today’s time it is very difficult to even imagine our life without computer and internet. Let us tell you that Bill Gates has been a drop out student of Harvard University.

Microsoft was founded in the year 1975
In the year 1975, Bill Gates founded Microsoft with his friend Paas Allen. The company started writing new dimensions of success in the early stages and in a span of just 4 years, this company became a company of 2.5 million dollars. He combined technology with business. After this, today’s TV has also been celebrated with the help of software and technology. Apart from this, this technology has also played a role in developing online gaming.

Was included in the list of billionaires only in 1986
Let us tell you that at the age of 31, Bill Gates joined the list of billionaires. In 1986, his company was listed on the stock market. After this he joined the Billionaire List. From 1992 to 95, he remained America’s richest man. Apart from this, he remained the richest person in the Billionaire list of Forbes for a long time.

Will donate 95% of his wealth
Bill Gates is known all over the world for his generosity. He has announced that he will donate 95% of his wealth to charity. He will only give $10 billion in assets to his children. Apart from this, will donate the rest of the property. Even today, Guts’ name comes at number five in the list of the world’s richest people. He is the owner of about 110 billion dollars.

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