Court sentenced American woman to 20 years in prison for converting to Islam and joining ISIS

America News: An American woman who joined the Islamic State in Syria after converting to Islam has been sentenced to 20 years in prison by a court. This woman was leading a women’s military battalion in Syria. According to court documents, Alison Fluke-Akren aka Alison Ekren traveled abroad several times from September 2011 to May 2019 and is involved in terrorist acts in several countries including Syria, Libya and Iraq.

used to give training to women

According to media reports, Alison Fluke Akren served as the leader and organizer of an ISIS military battalion known as Khatiba Nusayba, where she trained women with automatic firing AK-47 assault rifles, grenades and suicide belts. trained on use. It is claimed that Fluke Akren trained at least 100 women, some of whom were less than 10 years old.

Children told the reality of mother

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During the sentencing hearing, the Court included on record two separate letters from Fluke-Akren’s daughter and son, both of whom wrote about Fluke-Akren’s misconduct. The government also played audio recordings of a January 2021 phone conversation between Fluk-Akren and his daughter, where it called for the deletion of messages shared between them to ensure that Fluk-Akren avoids being captured in Syria. Instructed and encouraged his daughter to leave America and asked that she come to Syria.

In addition, Fluk Ekren’s daughter told in court how her mother abused her in Syria and forced her to marry an ISIS fighter. The victim told that she was also raped when she was only 13 years old.

Fluke involved in terrorist acts

In 2014, ISIS officials sent a female ISIS member who had traveled from Central America to Abla, Syria, according to a report published on the official US government website. Where she lived in a residence near Fluke-Akren for about 18 days. This witness visited Fluk-Akren at his residence in Syria on several occasions. During those visits, Fluke-Akren discussed ideas for an attack involving the use of explosives on the campus of a US-based college in the Midwest.

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