Could there be bloodshed in Pakistan? Former PM Imran Khan hinted

Haqiqi Azadi March: Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has warned of bloodshed in the country amid speculations of secret talks on the deal with Pakistan Army and Shahbaz Sharif. Imran, who is taking out Haqiqi Azadi March from Lahore to Islamabad, has indicated this in his tweet.

Former PM Imran Khan tweeted that I am witnessing a revolution in Pakistan at the moment, the big question for me is whether this revolution will happen in Pakistan peacefully through ballot or through bloodshed.

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Imran is taking out Hakiki Azadi March
Former Pakistan PM Imran Khan is taking out a long march from Lahore to Islamabad. Just a day before Imran’s march, his party Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Faizal Wawda had warned of many dead bodies falling during the march, which sparked controversy.

Although Imran Khan had said about the peaceful march given by his leader and law and order, that we will take out the march, we will go to Islamabad but during this we will not break any law. He said that this march of ours will be completely peaceful. Later, he also expelled Faizal Bawda from the party for the statement given in the media.

Now reverse the peace march
His campaign, which started from Lahore, is moving towards Islamabad. In such a situation, Imran’s gesture of bloodshed can create a new controversy. government and army on the other hand Imran Khan And there may be a fresh confrontation between his thousands and millions of supporters who have come on the streets.

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