Corona is getting dangerous! Cases doubled in less than a week, fastest jump after third wave

Covid-19 Cases: The figures of Corona in the country are now frightening. On Saturday (April 1), 3824 new cases of corona were registered in the country. In terms of daily cases, this is the highest number in 6 months. At the same time, the way corona cases have increased in the last seven days is the highest after the third wave.

India recorded 18,450 new cases during the last week March 26-April 1, which is more than double the 8,781 in the week before. The doubling time of corona cases has remained less than 7 days. The last time this happened during the third wave when the daily figures were doubling within a week.

However, during this time it is a matter of relief that there has been a slight increase in the death due to corona. Last week, 36 people died due to corona, whereas before that this figure was 29.

Highest growth in Kerala

Kerala is at number one among the states contributing to the doubling of cases in the last seven days. In Kerala, the number of corona cases has tripled from 1333 to nearly 4000 in a week. Other states that have seen the fastest growth are Goa, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh.

In most of these states, the number of corona cases has increased three times in the last week as compared to the previous one. Corona cases increased from 409 to 1200 in Himachal Pradesh last week.

Maharashtra at number two

Maharashtra and Gujarat have seen an increase in corona cases for the last few weeks. However, it has decreased in Gujarat while it has remained stable in Maharashtra. The weekly figure in Maharashtra is 3323, which is 70 percent more than the 1956 in the last seven days. Gujarat with 2312 cases remains in the top three states but its growth rate has come down to 53 per cent from 139 per cent in the previous week. Last week, 1733 cases were registered in Delhi, which is two and a half times more than 681 in the previous week.

not less dangerous

This is the 7th consecutive week when the cases of corona have increased in the country. Last week’s rise on all scales shows that the threat of corona has not reduced yet and we should not be negligent.

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More than 400 cases of corona came in Delhi for the second consecutive day, one patient died, infection rate crossed 16 percent

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