Corona caught pace in Bihar! 179 new cases came to the fore, in which district are there how many patients?

Patna: The cases of corona virus are increasing continuously in Bihar. For the past several days, more than 100 new cases are being received every day. in Bihar corona virus The speed is increasing so much that there has been an increase in 72 active cases in 1 week. On last April 21, there were a total of 784 active corona patients in Bihar, which increased to 856 on April 27. Within the last few days, four people have also died due to Corona.

The maximum increase in the number of active patients is happening in Patna. In the last 1 week, the number of active patients has increased by 69 in Patna, out of which there were 390 active patients in Patna on 20 April, on 27 April the number of active patients has been recorded as 459. At present, a total of 28 patients are admitted in the hospital, whereas on April 21, only 15 patients were admitted in the hospital. That is, there has been an increase of 13 in the number of patients admitted in 1 week.

Till April 27, a total of 48000 corona tests were done in the whole of Bihar, out of which 179 new cases were found, out of which 99 new patients were found in Patna and 11 in East Champaran. On April 27, the number of active patients is 856, out of which only 459 active corona patients were found in Patna, 39 in Gaya, 29 in Purnia, 67 in Bhagalpur, 37 in Khagaria and 28 in West Champaran. The admitted patient in the hospital is 28.

How many active patients have increased in the last 1 week and how many patients have been received on which day. Let’s take a look at this.

how many patients were found on which day

April 21-133
22 April-198
April 23-133
24 Apr-87
April 25-118
April 26-163
April 27 -179

How active cases increased in a week

21 April-784
22 April-860
23 April-857
April 24-824
25 April-824
26 April-844
27 April-856

Let us tell you that there is an increase in the corona cases in other states of the country as well. That’s why people are being appealed to take precautions. An appeal is being made to stay away from the crowd and follow the rules of proper distance. Along with this, advice is also being given to use the mask properly.

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