Corona cases are increasing continuously in China, America and Japan, what is the opinion of top experts about India

Top Expert Opinion on COVID Situation in India: Corona cases are increasing continuously in China, America and Japan. Corona has exploded in China. Meanwhile, on Tuesday (December 20), the Government of India also came into alert mode. During this, a top expert of India has put forward his opinion regarding the situation of Kovid. According to news agency ANI, Dr. NK Arora, chairman of the COVID-19 working group NTAGI (National Technical Advisory Group on Vaccination), has spoken about the Covid situation.

It is noteworthy that on Tuesday (December 20), Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan wrote a letter to the National Center for Disease Control (NCDC) and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) saying that all states will have to work on genome sequencing. He wrote in the letter that since the number of Kovid cases in the country is low, the number of people who lost their lives has also decreased, but the way the virus is spreading again in the world, the government does not want to take any care. New variants have to be identified on time.

What did the chairman of the COVID-19 working group NTAGI say?

On Tuesday (December 20), top Indian health expert Dr NK Arora, chairman of the COVID-19 working group NTAGI (National Technical Advisory Group on Vaccination) said, “It is important that we keep a close watch on the situation in China but I would say that There is nothing to panic about it. No need to worry too much. The system is very alert, we need to be very careful. This is the most important part as far as genomic surveillance is concerned. We are doing genomic surveillance of people with symptoms.

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How is India prepared in case a sub-variant emerges?

Expressing confidence in India’s preparedness to deal with the Covid situation, Dr. Arora said that the country can take appropriate action in case a new sub-variant emerges. He said, “We are monitoring people from sewage to people admitted in hospitals and those coming to international airports. Suddenly samples of people are also being taken in a certain proportion. If any new sub-variant or anything is found, which can be a matter of concern, appropriate action can be taken to diagnose it immediately. Thus overall we see that the situation in India is under control, he said. But vigilance needs to be maintained, especially at the monitoring level.

What can save people from Covid in India?

Dr. Arora said that vaccination and hybrid immunity will prove helpful in protecting people from Kovid in India. He said, “As far as India is concerned, we have to keep three-four things in mind. One- India has a largely immunized (vaccinated) adult population, especially with very effective vaccines.

He said, “The second thing is that there are many figures, which show that more than 90 percent of our people have been affected by natural Kovid infection. So the Indian population is immune to what we call hybrid immunity. Thirdly, data from INSACOG (Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium) shows that almost every sub-variant of Omicron found anywhere in the world is also found in India. That’s why there aren’t many sub-variants left that aren’t roaming around here. Let us inform that on Wednesday (December 21), Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya can hold a review meeting regarding Corona.

Read this also- Center’s advisory amid increasing cases of corona in China-US, send positive report for genome sequencing

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