Controversy over the Akhand-Bharat mural in the new Parliament: The Union Minister had said – the resolution is clear; Former PM of Nepal raised questions on the intention

New Delhi43 minutes ago

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Mural art of Akhand Bharat in the art gallery of the new Parliament building.

The Akhand Bharat mural art installed in the Art Gallery of the new Parliament has been surrounded by controversies. First, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Prahlad Joshi tweeted its photo and wrote – The resolution is clear. Now former Prime Minister of Nepal Baburam Bhattarai has raised questions on this. He has said that India should express its intention and send us clarifications.

Lumbini is a pilgrimage site for Buddhists. Kapilavastu was the capital of Shakya rulers, which is the birthplace of Lord Buddha. Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the new Parliament House on 28 May.

Now read what Nepal’s former PM Bhattarai said…
Nepal Socialist Party leader Baburam Bhattarai warned in a tweet that this mural art could increase unnecessary and harmful conflicts between neighboring countries of India. There is already a lack of trust in mutual relations between them, which may increase further. That’s why Indian political leaders should make their intentions clear.
Tweet by former PM Bhattarai of Nepal.

Tweet by former PM Bhattarai of Nepal.

At the same time, another former PM of Nepal KP Oli has also raised questions on this mural. Oli said – Prime Minister Dahal is going to India. He should talk to the Government of India to correct this mistake. If you can’t do that then there is no point in going to India.

Oli said- A country like India which sees itself as an ancient and strong country and as a model of democracy keeps Nepalese territories in its map and hangs the map in Parliament, it cannot be called fair. Is.

Now know what is there in this mural art?

The Akhand Bharat mural depicts a map of ancient India with the names of Indian states written on it. Mainly it is showing Afghanistan, Pakistan, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Bangladesh and India as one nation. Akhand Bharat is showing from Mansahari Takshashila in the North, Purushpur in the North West and Kamrup in the North East.

Today many parts of these have become Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal and Bhutan.

Border dispute with Nepal happened earlier also
A political map of Nepal was published in 2020 during the KP Oli government. After which the dispute regarding the boundaries started. It was said that Kalapani, Limpiyadhura and Lipulekh – all Nepali territories, are under the control of India.

This map was released after India built a new road to the strategic area along the border with China. This dispute remained the reason for the rift in the relations between the two countries for many months. Relations improved only after the visit of Indian officials to Kathmandu.

Also read this news related to Nepal PM Prachanda’s visit to India…

Ramayana circuit will be built rapidly between Nepal and India

The work on the proposed Ramayana Circuit between India and Nepal will be expedited. This decision was taken after meeting the Prime Minister of Nepal Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda and PM Modi who reached India. After the conversation, PM Modi said- The work of Ramayana circuit between the two countries will be completed expeditiously. Read full news…

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