Controversy over racism in Britain, Prince William and Kate Middleton on American visit

Britain: Between the visit of British Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton to America, there has been a controversy over racism in Britain. Actually, William’s ‘godmother’ Lady Susan Hussey has been accused of making racist remarks during a royal event at Buckingham Palace, after which Lady Susan Hussey has resigned as an honorary member of the royal household. Along with this, an apology has also been sought but the controversy does not seem to stop. 

Please tell that the accused woman Lady Susan Hussey has been an aide of the late Queen Elizabeth II. An official statement has been issued from William’s office on this matter. It says that there is no place for racism in our society. Such statements cannot be accepted. It is good that the person who made such comments has left his post with immediate effect. 

The incident took place during a charity event 

It is being told that a charity event was organized in the Palace on Tuesday hosted by Queen Camilla. During this, Lady Susan Hussey founded the UK’s ‘Sista Space’, which provides support to women of African and Caribbean origin. asked Ngozi Fulani, chief executive of an organization called, what part of Africa is she from and where is she originally from? To this Fulani said that she was born in Britain and brought up here. 

Lady Susan Hussey apologizes 

It is alleged that even after this she kept asking the same question. Fulani gave detailed information about this incident on Twitter. Buckingham Palace said in a statement that Hussey had apologized for his comments. Meanwhile, William and Kate arrived at Boston Logan International Airport on Wednesday, where they were received by Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker and Lieutenant Governor Karen Polito. 

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