CM praised in video conference: Rewa district tops in Kilkari campaign in MP, number 2 reached from 42, pregnant women from app testing to ambulance facility

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  • Rewa District Tops In Kilkari Campaign In MP, Number 2 Reached From 42, Pregnant Women From App Testing To Ambulance Facility

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Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan reviewed the works of Rewa district through video conference on Thursday. Seeing the way of working of Collector Manoj Pushpa, the CM tied bridges of praise. Said that Rewa district is top in Kilkari campaign. On the initiative of the district administration, the Women and Child Development Department and the Health Department together have raised Rewa district from number 42 to number 2. For this Rewa collector deserves congratulations.

ADM Shailendra Singh said that the Kilkari campaign has been started in the district 6 months ago. To stop the increasing mortality rate of women and children here, Collector Manoj Pushp took a meeting of all the departments and sought suggestions. After this, an app was made related to the problems of pregnant women. Women and Child Development Department, Health Department, Anganwadi workers, Anganwadi helpers, ASHA workers constituted a team at the block level.
Collector sitting in the middle of Chief Minister's video conference

Collector sitting in the middle of Chief Minister’s video conference

started like this
First of all, high risk pregnant women will be tracked through Kilkari App. Along with this, women with symptoms of anemia, high blood pressure, diabetes and other high risk will be alerted through the app by informing the identified high risk pregnant women from the app. So that safe delivery can be done by managing anemia and high risk.

App to hospital tracking
By giving information through the app 15 days before the delivery date, the ASHA worker took the pregnant women to the delivery center through 108 and Janani Express at the right time. To prevent delay in referral and complication of delivery. Also, arrangements for high risk pregnant’s blood etc. were prepared in advance.

Collector Manoj Pushp celebrating the birthday of a child in Anganwadi center.

Collector Manoj Pushp celebrating the birthday of a child in Anganwadi center.

Camps organized at block level
District Program Manager Arpita Singh said that on the instructions of the Collector, camps, blood donation camps were organized at the block level for the examination of pregnant women. The collector himself donated blood. At the same time, the campaign of blood donation was started with the top officials of other departments. Due to which women got blood on time. Today, it is the result of the initiative of the Rewa Collector that the maternal mortality rate of the district has come down. Now the ranking of our district has also gone up from 42 to 2.

Took glue to Anganwadi, inspired others
To improve the condition of Anganwadi in Rewa district, the collector took glue to two centers. Along with this, the birthday of his child was also celebrated in the Anganwadi center. At the same time, officers of other departments, public representatives and social workers have been inspired. Due to which people started coming to Anganwadi centers. Today the condition of all Anganwadi centers is better than before.

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