CJI said – Zero tolerance against sexist language, lewd jokes is necessary: ​​Use of objectionable words for women in legal matters will stop, dictionary will come soon

New Delhi44 minutes ago

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Former Supreme Court judge Justice Indira Banerjee was also present at the event along with Justice Hima Kohli and Justice BV Nagaratna.

Supreme Court Chief Justice DY Chandrachud has spoken of ensuring zero tolerance for misbehavior, sexist language and lewd jokes towards women. Justice Chandrachud was speaking at an event of the Gender Sensitization and Internal Complaints Committee of the SC on International Women’s Day on Wednesday.

During this, he announced the release of a glossary of inappropriate words used for women in court language, arguments and decisions.

CJI said – this was a mission, which is about to be completed
The CJI said that this dictionary was a mission which he had started a few years back and now it is nearing completion. It will be released soon. He expressed hope that this dictionary will also throw light on why and how women are discriminated against not only in the society, legal profession but also in the language of work.


The Chief Justice told why the dictionary was needed.

  • CJI said- I have seen such decisions in which a woman was written as a mistress when she was in a relationship with a man. There were many such cases in which applications were made for quashing of FIRs under Domestic Violence Act and Section 498A of IPC, in their judgments women have been called thieves.
  • The purpose of compiling these words was not to humiliate any judge, but to facilitate solving the problem inside our minds which are suffering from prejudices. Unless we are open about these aspects, it will be difficult for us to grow as a society.
  • We need to ensure that there is zero tolerance for sexual harassment of women. Even in his presence, things like using foul language and telling lewd jokes should end for him.
  • When I was an advocate, seniors sitting in a group made fun of the fees of a lady lawyer there, which was intolerable. Then no one had the courage to tell the senior that his language was wrong. But now we have come a long way.
  • People now feel that certain patterns of behavior such as physical activity, language, action based or representational cannot be tolerated. Especially in workplace.

The Calcutta High Court team prepared the terminology
The legal terminology mentioned by CJI Chandrachud has been prepared by a committee headed by Calcutta High Court Justice Moushumi Bhattacharya. The committee included retired Justices Prabha Sridevan and Justice Gita Mittal and Professor Jhuma Sen, currently a faculty member at the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata.

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