Chinook helicopters will not fly in America, Army grounded a fleet of 400 choppers

US Grounded Chinook Helicopters: The US Army has grounded its entire fleet of Chinook Helicopters. The US Air Force has banned its entire fleet from flying due to the danger of fire in the engine of the Chinook helicopter. According to the report of the Wall Street Journal, such a step has been taken in view of caution. There have been several incidents of engine fire in the recent past.

According to media reports, the US Army has grounded its entire fleet of Chinook helicopters, which have been working in war since the 1960s.

Why was the Chinook Helicopters fleet grounded?

The US Army Material Command removed Chinook helicopters from the fleet in view of the engine fire incident. According to US military officials, there have been incidents of fire in the engines of more than 70 Chinook helicopters in recent days. Officials told the Wall Street Journal that the US military was aware of the number of incidents of engine fires on helicopters. However, there were no injuries or deaths in the incidents.

400 helicopters in the US Army fleet

The American Journal said the grounding of heavy-duty Chinook helicopters could present logistical challenges for US troops, depending on how long the order lasts. There are about 400 such helicopters in the US Army fleet. India’s concern has also increased amid incidents of helicopter engine fire.

How many Chinook helicopters does India have?

India has about 15 CH-47 Chinook helicopters (CH-47 Chinook Helicopters). In the past few years, it has been involved in major military equipment for airlift operations to assist the Indian Army deployed in places like Ladakh and Siachen glaciers. India received its first batch of Chinook helicopters in February 2019. Boeing completed the delivery of 15 Chinook helicopters to the Indian Air Force in 2020.

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