China’s attitude softened, signs of relaxation in zero covid policy

Corona In China: There is an outcry in China regarding Corona. Facing opposition due to his zero covid policy, President Xi Jinping’s attitude seems to be softening a bit. China has said on Tuesday, November 29, 2022, that it will take steps to minimize the effect of the Corona lockdown. There are continuous demonstrations in the country against Xi Jinping’s zero covid policy and these demonstrations have also received support from other countries including America.

In many cities of China including Shanghai and Beijing, protests against the Zero Kovid policy are being seen for the last few days. Not only this, slogans of Xi Jinping leave power are also being raised in these protests. In such a situation, the Chinese government is seen on the back foot. The Chinese government may not have given any official statement on these protests, but the softening of the government’s stand can be clearly seen.

Indications for removal of zero covid policy

After pressure at the international level, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian, on the demand to address international concerns, said that China is adjusting the zero covid policy based on the changing circumstances. In a press conference, he said that we will keep improving science-based protection for life and health of people. Along with this, we will reduce the impact of Kovid on social and economic development. He said that China will control Kovid effectively. Let us tell you that China maintains a strict zero-covid policy, under which local officials clamp down even on small outbreaks.

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‘Efforts to fix the policy will continue’

“The problems exposed by the public do not aim to eliminate the epidemic prevention and control system, but focus on simplifying prevention measures,” Cheng Yuquan, a supervisory official of the National Disease Control and Prevention Administration, said at a press conference on Tuesday. To do.”

Asked whether officials would reconsider the zero-COVID policy after the protests, National Health Commission (NHC) spokesperson Mai Feng said efforts would continue to fine-tune the policy to minimize its impact on society and the economy .

China is being criticized everywhere

Police action on protesters and foreign media has been criticized globally. A BBC journalist was detained and assaulted in Shanghai. The United Nations has called on China to respect the right to peaceful protest. Jeremy Lawrence, a spokesman for the United Nations Human Rights Office, told the media that people should not be detained simply for protesting.

In the US, John Kirby, the White House’s National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications, said the US was closely monitoring developments in China. “People should be given the right to assemble and peacefully protest policies or laws,” Kirby said.

In London, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak told businessmen and foreign policy experts that in the face of protests, China “has chosen the way forward, including attacking a BBC journalist”.

read this also: Has China succumbed to Corona, why did the whole strategy fail?

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