China clarified on the allegation of misbehavior by taking BBC journalist into custody

BBC Journalist Assaulted In China: China has given its clarification amid all-round criticism due to the allegation of beating a BBC journalist. China said in its clarification that the detained BBC journalist had not revealed his identity as a journalist.

The news agency Reuters quoted China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian as telling international media that according to information received from Shanghai authorities, the detained BBC journalist did not identify himself as a journalist and did not show his press ID card. had shown. The spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, along with taking the side of the government in this matter, also instructed the International Media to follow Chinese rules and regulations in China.

Earlier, the BBC had said that the Chinese police on Sunday detained and tortured one of their journalists who were covering protests over the Zero Covid Policy in Shanghai. A spokesman for the British public service broadcaster the BBC is extremely concerned about the treatment of their journalist Ed Lawrence, who was arrested while covering the protests in Shanghai. He was kept in handcuffs for several hours before being released. During the arrest, the police also beat him. This happened when he was working as an accredited journalist.

BBC had accused China

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China’s Shanghai is one of many Chinese cities where protests against strict COVID restrictions continue. Footage on social media showed a man identified by other journalists as Lawrence being arrested by men in police uniforms.

The BBC said that it was not given a clear reason for taking Lawrence into custody. The BBC said, “We have no official explanation or apology from the Chinese authorities. The authorities claimed that they arrested the journalist for his own good, ie to protect him from the grip of Kovid.” Following the incident, the Chinese Embassy in London was contacted for comment.

Outcry from Corona in China

The number of cases of Kovid-19 has started increasing once again in China. Due to this, the Chinese government has imposed Covid restrictions in other provinces including Beijing and Shanghai. However, this time the citizens of China are looking very angry with the government’s Kovid restrictions.

The people of China are protesting against this by taking to the streets. Public anger against the Corona restrictions is increasing daily in China. The news of violent clashes between the police and the public has also come to the fore from many cities.

Read this also:- Maldives: Maldives refused to join China-Indian Ocean Forum, China had claimed this

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