Chaos in Greece! Police opened fire on a 16-year-old boy, people took to the streets – protests turned violent

Greek News: In Thessaloniki, Greece, the police opened fire on a 16-year-old boy. After this violence spread in the area and there were reports of violent clashes. People took to the streets to protest. A news agency reported that a 16-year-old boy allegedly drove away from a gas station after filling up gas in his pickup truck without paying. A gas station employee informed the police about the outstanding bill of 20 euros i.e. 21 dollars.

After getting information about this matter, the police chased the boy’s pickup truck with a motorcycle. Police told that an attempt was made to stop the truck, but the boys did not listen to the police order. Meanwhile, the police officer shot the boys on the head from behind. Now after this matter people are furious here. People say that the police killed the young man just because of some money.

protesters vandalized

There have been several violent clashes here after the Roma boy was shot and left in critical condition. At the same time, the Greek Police Department says that the young man tried to escape from the arrest. The protesters took to the streets and broke the windows of many shops. The police released tear gas and stun grenades to calm the matter.

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Earlier in the day, the protesters rioted outside the hospital and pelted stones at the police. Here the police had left tear gas shells on them. The police, in its defence, said that the officers had fired two shots to stop the motorcyclists from trying to hit them. The driver lost control after the shots were fired and was taken to the hospital.

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