Chandpur Moong Purchase Center Blacklist in Sagar: Irregularities in Moong procurement, 6 trucks sent back Moong; Instructions to upgrade to warehouse

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  • Irregularities In Moong Purchase, 6 Trucks Sent Back Moong; Instructions To Upgrade To Warehouse

Sea43 minutes ago

Irregularities in Chandpur Moong Purchase Center.

Irregularities have come to the fore in the purchase of moong at the minimum support price in Sagar at Chandpur Moong Procurement Center. 6 trucks of moong sent from the center to the warehouse for storage have been sent back. The center in-charge has been instructed to grading the said moong and send it to the warehouse for storage.

Actually, 6 truck moong purchased on support price from Chandpur Moong Purchase Center in Sagar was sent for storage at Saikheda Warehouse. Where the quality of moong was not good, Markfed and warehouse officials banned the storage of moong. Trucks laden with moong were parked outside the warehouse for the last five days. The cost of moong loaded in trucks will be around Rs 72 lakh. Collector Deepak Arya has taken cognizance of the matter.

Collector Arya said that irregularities have been committed in the purchase of moong at Chandpur moong procurement center. About 3 thousand metric tonnes of moong was procured. Out of which about 800 metric tonnes of moong, which was of good quality, has been stored. The remaining moong has been returned due to more soil, pebbles, stalks. Instructions have been given to upgrade moong to standard level and send it for storage in 7 days. At the same time, irregularities were made in the procurement at the centre. Due to which the Chandpur Purchase Center will not be authorized for further purchase. Instructions have been issued in this regard.
Storage will be done only if the moong is of standard level
District Marketing Association officer Rakhi Raghuvanshi said that the moong which came for storage from Chandpur committee has been rejected during the investigation. Moong is of non-standard quality. There is more soil and stalks in it. The center in-charge has been asked to get the moong grading done and brought to the Narmadapuram warehouse for storage. If moong is not of standard level, it will not be stored. The committee has to be withdrawn. Chandpur procurement center was investigated. During the investigation, irregularities were found in the purchase of moong at the center. The purchase has been done against the rules at the center. The matter has been reported to senior officials.
Ban on storage of 1000 quintal moong in Sagar: Purchased quality moong at Chandpur center, 6 trucks laden with moong standing outside the warehouse for 5 days for storage

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