Cereal Stock: Grain stock in the country reached a low of 5 years, the price of wheat and rice will increase

FCI Wheat and Rice Stock In India: Another bad news is coming out in the midst of rising inflation in the country. There has been a steady increase in the prices of food grains in India. In September 2022, grain inflation has reached a high of 105 months. At the same time, the grain stock of the country is at a low level of 5 years. The biggest concern is that the stock of wheat in the godowns of the Food Corporation of India (FCI) has remained the lowest in the last 6 years. This is just a little more than the minimum buffer level.

see how much is stock 

how much is wheat storage 

how much is the stock of rice 

The stock of rice was almost 2.8 times more than the required levels. That is why the overall grain stock position in FCI godowns is better as compared to 4 years ago. But despite the increase in inflation in September, the biggest concern is the lack of storage of food grains. In September, the inflation rate of cereals and cereal products was 11.53 percent. This is the highest annual rate for cereals.

increased price of flour 

Wheat prices in the global market

There has been a fall in the prices of wheat in the international market. Benchmark wheat futures contract prices on the Chicago Board of Trade Exchange fell from a record $12.94 per bushel on March 7 to $7.49 on August 18. 

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