Center reached Supreme Court in Rajiv Gandhi assassination case: filed review petition against release, said- our side was not heard

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New DelhiOne hour ago

The Central Government has filed a review petition in the Supreme Court against the release of six convicts in the former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi assassination case. Last Friday, the Supreme Court had ordered their release. They were released from different jails in Tamil Nadu on Saturday. These include Nalini Sriharan, her husband V Sriharan besides Santhan, Robert Payas, Jayakumar and Ravichandran. Among them Sriharan and Santhan are citizens of Sri Lanka.

Center said – the culprits were released without listening to our side
The Central Government said in the reconsideration petition – We were not given full opportunity to present our case. The convicts did not make the Central Government a party to the petition. Due to this mistake of the petitioners, the Government of India could not present its side in the hearing of the case. This has violated the principles of natural justice. Apart from this, there are 2 Sri Lankan nationals among the released convicts.

According to the petition – giving immunity to a terrorist of another country convicted under the law of the country will have an international effect. That’s why this matter comes under the Government of India. Therefore, it was very important to know the stand of the Government of India in such a serious matter. The effect of this case is on the law and order of the country as well as on the justice system.

A convict was released in May this year as well
On May 18 this year, the Supreme Court had ordered the release of Perarivalan, convicted in the same case. The rest of the convicts had also sought release from the court citing the same order. All the convicts, including Perarivalan, have already served 31 years of life imprisonment in the case.
Nalini was the most talked about in this case.  Priyanka Gandhi also met him in jail.

Nalini was the most talked about in this case. Priyanka Gandhi also met him in jail.

Nalini was out on parole
Nalini was given a month’s parole in December 2021 to take care of her mother Padmavati. The state government continued to increase it. She completed the process of release by reaching the Women’s Jail in Vellore on Saturday. Later said- Our family is very happy. I am going to start a new life with my loved ones.

Congress had said – the court did not take care of the sentiments of the country
On the release of the culprits of the Rajiv Gandhi assassination, the Congress had said – this is not acceptable. Congress General Secretary Jairam Ramesh had said – The Supreme Court did not keep the sentiments of the country in mind while giving its verdict. The judgment is full of errors.

CM Stalin welcomed the decision
After the release of Rajiv Gandhi’s killers, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin had said – I welcome the decision of the Supreme Court. The governor should not change the decision of the elected government.

Sonia had forgiven Nalini
When Nalini was arrested in 1991, she was pregnant. It was two months of her pregnancy. Then Sonia Gandhi forgave Nalini. He had said that how can an innocent child be punished for Nalini’s mistake, who has not yet come into the world.

Rajiv Gandhi was killed in an election rally
Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated by an LTTE suicide bomber named Dhanu during an election rally at Sriperumbudur in Tamil Nadu on 21 May 1991. LTTE’s female terrorist Dhanu (Tenmoji Rajaratnam) touches Rajiv’s feet after garlanding him with flowers and, bending down, detonates the explosives strapped to his waist. The explosion was so strong that many people were torn to pieces. 16 people, including Rajeev and the attacker Dhanu, died on the spot, while 45 people were seriously injured.

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