Car drowned in rain water in railway underpass: The driver had inadvertently tried to remove the car, people came to help by swimming, the driver jumped and saved his life

Agra20 minutes ago

A car drowned in rain water on the railway underpass in Prakash Nagar of Thana Etmauddaula.

Heavy rains have worsened the situation in Agra city. Roads have been washed away and waterlogged at various places in the city. A car sank in the rain water that filled the railway underpass. On the request of the driver, people swam to him and the drive has saved his life by jumping out. Video of the incident has surfaced.

According to the information, the matter is of Friday evening. The Prakash Nagar railway underpass under Thana Etmauddaula was flooded due to heavy rains. Meanwhile, a Wagon R car driver, unaware of the danger, left the car to cross the underpass.

The driver saved his life by jumping

When the water is filled, it is difficult to even get the bus on the underpass, so the car started drowning in the water on the middle underpass. When the water came up to the neck, the driver first tried to go back by returning the car but could not succeed. After this, the driver came out of the window of the vehicle and started asking for help by blowing the indicator and horn.
When the water came till the neck, he pleaded by playing the horn

When the water came till the neck, he pleaded by playing the horn

Seeing the young man asking for help, some people took off their clothes and jumped into the water and reached the driver. The driver jumped out of the car and people pulled him out safely. When the water receded, the driver got out of the car and left.

People made a video of the whole incident and put it on social media which is going viral. Local resident Vijay Kumar told that the complaint of water filling here is quite old. Even after complaining several times, the solution could not be found. Those responsible are waiting for a big accident.

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