Camel Flu: After Corona, ‘Camel Flu’ knocks, Australia issues health advisory

Camel Flu in FIFA World Cup: The world’s health experts have warned football fans returning from the FIFA World Cup in Qatar. Doctors around the world said that all fans returning home from Qatar should know about MERS. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has also asked doctors to trace people suffering from fever and shortness of breath.

The UKHSA said that “the risk of infection for UK residents is very low, but those exposed to risk factors within the region may be at higher risk”.

Australia issued advisory

Australia’s Ministry of Health has issued an advisory on its website saying that fans returning from Qatar should be aware of MERS, and people should follow hygiene, and avoid close contact with camels . Apart from this, it has also been said to avoid eating uncooked meat. Doctors said that the risk of spreading the infection is high.

how many cases have come so far

The advisory comes in the wake of a steady rise in MERS cases across the globe. According to UKHSA data, from April 2012 to October 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) received 2,600 confirmed cases of MERS-CoV globally and 935 related deaths.

When did the case come for the first time
For the first time in 2012, the case of MERS virus came in Saudi Arabia. It is a respiratory disease. This is also a type of corona virus. It is considered more dangerous than COVID. The WHO further stated that human-to-human transmission is possible and has occurred mainly through close contact and in health care settings.

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