Buddhist monk won 40 million lottery in Thailand, then you will not believe what he did

Lottery Ticket: You must have heard about Buddhist monks that they live a simple life and stay away from the world’s fascination, but in Thailand, a Buddhist monk played the lottery and was surprised. The thing is that he also won this lottery. He won the lottery of full 4 crores. You will be surprised even more when you know what he did with so much money?

The name of the Buddhist monk of Thailand we are talking about is Frakru Phanom. He won the lottery not of Rs 2-4 lakh but Rs 4 crore. Surprisingly, he distributed these money and people lined up to collect the money. Started donating all this money to people. According to reports, this Buddhist monk started donating the winning money to the local people, other temples and various institutions.

line of people to take money

Phrakru Phanom, a 47-year-old monk from Thailand’s northern province of Nakhon Phanom, is also the secretary of a temple called Wat Phra That Phanom Voormahvihan. He recently won a lottery of 18 million in Thailand currency. This amount sits more than Rs 4 crore in Indian currency. They are donating this money now.

Why did the Buddhist monk buy the lottery

According to Phanom, he usually does not buy lottery tickets. Actually Monk is not involved in any kind of gambling, but a few days back he had bought a lottery ticket to help a local shopkeeper. That shopkeeper was facing financial challenges during the Corona Pandemic. This lottery won him such a big prize.

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