BSF downed drone on Amritsar border: Second success in 65 hours, consignment brought for delivery also recovered

Amritsar2 hours ago

Drone shot down by BSF jawans. Below this, the consignment is tied in a black colored packet.

The Border Security Force (BSF) has foiled another attempt by smugglers sitting in Pakistan. BSF has succeeded in shooting down the second drone that entered Indian territory from Pakistani border in 65 hours. Not only this, the downed drone was also carrying the consignment with it. But the consignment has not been opened yet due to security reasons.

Two propeller of a drone that was shot down by BSF jawans.

According to the information received, the drone from Pakistan came towards Rania, a village adjacent to the Amritsar border. BSF’s battalion 22 personnel were on patrol. On hearing the sound of the drone at 9.15 pm, the soldiers started firing. Light bombs were fired. After which two bullets hit the drone. After the sound stopped, the soldiers started searching in the nearby fields. During this, he found a drone dropped in the fields of Rania village.

Drone weighing 12 kg

The BSF started investigation after the drone was recovered. It is an octa-copter DJI matrices with 8 propellers. Whose two propellers were damaged by bullets. The total weight of the entire drone was weighed 12 kg. There is also a consignment attached to it. which is being investigated.

The consignment will be opened after security check

BSF officials say that the consignment has been recovered. Two white colored packets have come out from inside a black colored bag with NK SPORTS written on it. But now these packets will not be opened. It doesn’t necessarily have to be heroin. It may contain a bomb or some sensitive substance. The consignment will be opened after verification. Only then can it be clearly said about it.

Drone was also downed on 14 October

BSF jawans have got this second success of shooting down a drone in the last 65 hours. Earlier, the drone was shot down by the soldiers at 4.30 in the morning of 14 October. This drone was shot down in BOP Shahpur under Ajnala.

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