Boris Johnson mentioned dog and cat in farewell speech, said this for the Conservative Party

Boris Johnson: Britain’s outgoing Prime Minister Boris Johnson gave a farewell speech outside Downing Street just before his successor Liz Truss took office on Tuesday. Boris has finally left Downing Street. Although Johnson’s journey was very short due to Corona and scandals, but during his farewell, his supporters applauded for him.

Boris Johnson also gave the example of his dog and cat during this time. He said that if Dilyn ie his dog and Larry ie the cat living in Downing Street can leave their difficulties behind, then the Conservative Party can also do it. At the same time, he promised that he would support Liz Truss and the new government at every step.

Appeal to the Conservative Party to remove differences

During this, Boris also appealed to the Conservative Party to put aside their differences to deal with the energy crisis. Making the same appeal, he said that “if Dillin (their dog) and Larry (the Downing Street cat) can leave their difficulties behind, so can the Conservative Party”.

At the same time, describing his successes, he said that his government did Brexit and distributed the vaccine the fastest in Europe. Not only this, he also counted his other successes including making roads safer, more police on roads, building hospitals and recruiting thousands of nurses.

Boris Johnson expressed hope that the new government would relieve the people of the energy crisis. Johnson hit out at Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying he cannot blackmail or threaten the British people over the energy crisis.

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