Books of 19 schools are dumped on BRC in Gonda: Children are bundling, raised on the claim of providing books to the children of council schools

Gonda2 hours ago

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Bundling of books being done.

In Gonda, the officers of the Basic Education Department are claiming to deliver the book to all the children studying in the council schools, but the books are not reaching the children. Books and workbooks of children of 19 schools have been dumped at the Block Resource Center of Nawabganj. On Saturday, school children were seen bundling books. This picture of the dumped books has raised questions on the claim to the officials of the Basic Education Department.

Getting books on time to the children studying in the council schools of the district has become a tedious task. At first, books were not given to the children for half the semester. The teachers continued to make the children study with the help of black board in the school without any books. When the book was sent in the second fortnight of September, it took months to distribute it. Despite all this exercise, the book has not yet reached many schools in the district.

officials did not take responsibility

However, departmental officers claim that books have been delivered to all schools. But the books lying dumped at the Nawabganj Block Resource Center are raising questions on the claims of the officers. On Saturday, the books sent for children were found dumped at the Block Resource Center Nawabganj operating in the premises of Composite School Nagwa. These books were to be sent to the children by sending them to 19 schools of Tikri Nyay Panchayat. The block education officer was given the responsibility of book distribution, but he completed his work by entrusting it to a teacher.

bundling of books

It was not considered appropriate to inquire whether the books reached the children or not. Therefore, thousands of books and workbooks remained dumped at the Block Resource Center. On Saturday, an employee named Vishnu Dev was getting the dumped book and work book out of the children. The children were also bundling the books. When the bundling worker was informed about the dumping of the book, he told that these books have to be sent to the schools of Tikri Nyaya Panchayat. That’s why it is being bundled.

In this regard, Block Education Officer Chandrabhushan Pandey was talked to, he told that the books have been given to the children. The work book is supplied later. He was placed on BRC. He is being taken to schools. However, on bundling the children, it was said that bundling of children is wrong. If so, then investigation will be done and action will be taken.

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