Blood donation camp: Anjuman committee organized blood donation camp, 412 units of blood collected

Shajapur5 minutes ago

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Anjuman committee organized a blood donation camp on Eid Miladunnabi at Masjid Betul Hamd located on Idgah Road. The camp was conducted by the Blood Bank of the Government District Hospital. In which 412 people voluntarily registered and donated blood. Blood Bank Officer Dr. SD Jaiswal and Dr. Under the direction of Abhishek Saktawat, a bus with ten beds and one blood donation was installed for blood collection. The camp lasted from 11 am to 7 pm.

Sadar Haji Naeem Qureshi of Anjuman Committee, while addressing the people who came to donate blood in the camp, said that the biggest donation in life is blood donation, the person who donates blood remains healthy not only physically but also mentally. Qureshi said that a total of 412 units of blood have been donated in the camp. Which will be used for the needy people.

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