Biophilic designs on budget: Tips to bring the feel of nature inside commercial interiors without burning your pocket

When used in commercial spaces, biophilic designs need not be too expensive and as a lot of these designs make use of natural elements, they often cost less as compared to man-made articles and furnishings. You can easily incorporate biophilic designs for commercial interiors without spending a fortune for the same.

Moreover, biophilic designs do not always need to be implemented on a larger scale. You can follow a low-key approach and still avail yourself of all the benefits offered by these designs.

Sustainable biophilic designs are still going strong in the commercial space and are likely to remain so in the future due to their benefits. This approach to commercial interior design allows you to work for nature instead of against it while building commercial spaces.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Kunal Sharma, Founder and CEO of Flipspaces, revealed a few ways in which you can use biophilic designs at a smaller scale without spending a lot of money:

1. Using Potted Plants

This is the most basic way to go about using biophilic designs. If you want to incorporate these designs on a shoestring budget, you can simply get some potted plants and place them at strategic places within the concerned commercial space.

It is common for companies to keep potted plants on the balconies, hallways, cafeterias, and a range of other locations. This is arguably the most cost-effective way of using biophilic designs for commercial spaces. You can, of course, incorporate potted plants in your interior designs in an innovative way to enhance the aesthetics of the place.

2. Using Natural Light

The use of natural light is one of the most overlooked aspects of biophilic interior designs. While you incorporate natural elements within a commercial space, make sure that the area is lit well by natural light. Design interiors in a way that people working therein can get access to enough natural light throughout the day.

3. Making Innovate Use Of Water

Using water in innovative ways is another cost-effective way of incorporating biophilic designs in commercial spaces. If you do not want to go overboard with the money, you can get small table-top fountains and place them at suitable places within the premises.

As these fountains mimic the sounds of a natural spring or a waterfall, it has a calming effect on the minds of people working at the office. Along with improving memory and reducing stress, implementing such articles would also help in lowering the blood pressure of your workers.

4. Modifying Furniture

Without spending a lot, you can replace some of the furniture at your office with articles made of bamboo or wood. This would give an exotic look to the space and add a touch of nature to your office premises.

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