Big relief to Punjab sportspersons: now school record is the proof of age, the government abolished the compulsion of birth certificate

Chandigarh2 hours ago

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The age certificate of the players of Punjab will now be the record of the school only. The state government has announced to do away with the requirement of birth certificate to end the controversy regarding the correct age of the players. Now the correct age of the player will be accepted on the basis of school records.

There have been many controversies regarding the age of players in different types of competitions. The Punjab government has taken this decision to stop these controversies. Controversies have often surfaced about older players playing in the lower age group. There have also been cases of players forging fake certificates by hiding their real age.

Most of these types of disputes have been seen in the under-16 and under-19 age groups, but now the Punjab government has announced that the age of the players will be valid only on the basis of school records to settle all age-related disputes in sports competitions. Is.

Players of other games including athletics were caught
Over the years, there have been cases of cheating by players of athletics including football and weight lifting instead of telling their correct age. There have also been cases of many players participating in different events of different games giving false ages and being caught later. Most of such allegations were leveled against players of state level and national games. This has led to cases being under investigation, including controversies mid-game.

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