Bareilly’s minor girl eloped with Delhi’s boyfriend: Girl not returned for 25 days, father lodges FIR in police station for luring her away

Bareilly44 minutes ago

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Bareilly’s minor girl eloped with Delhi lover. The family members of the girl were pressurizing the family members of the youth in Delhi for the last 25 days. That we will not take any action, our daughter should be returned. The family members of the young man kept giving assurances. On Tuesday night, the girl’s father lodged an FIR at the Sirauli police station in Bareilly for abducting the daughter.

Was having a love affair with a young man from Delhi

A 17-year-old girl, a resident of a village in Sirauli police station area of ​​Bareilly, was having a love affair with Pintu, a resident of Raghuveer Nagar, Delhi. Both are from different communities. The youth also used to do a private job in Bareilly. Where both became friends. The accused Pintu absconded on October 17 with the minor girl. The relatives did not inform the police for fear of slander. The family members reached the accused and told about the whole matter. After which the boy’s family said that we will return the girl.

Threatened to kill after 25 days

While giving Tahrir at Sirauli police station in Bareilly, the girl’s father said that Pintu’s brother and other family members were giving assurance for 25 days. Now refused to return the girl. At the same time threatening that if he comes here again, he may have to lose his life. After which the girl’s father has registered a case in Sirauli police station. Sirauli police has assured the victim’s family of recovery of the girl.

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