Ayurveda for heart health: 4 Ayurvedic habits to keep your heart smiling

Heart, an organ without the existence of which we won’t be alive, quite literally as even one skipped heartbeat can have dire consequences hence, it becomes crucial to ensure that the heart is happy because if it is not then it is just inviting trouble. According to Ayurveda experts, the oldest branches of medicine has proven to work wonders to help prevent any sort of complications that your heart might be at risk of.

According to Ayurveda, the main cause of any illness is ‘eating at will’, something that all of us are guilty of committing once in a while. Consumption of high-cholesterol foods is bad for health as it becomes difficult to metabolize and has a negative impact on overall heart health.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Kriti Soni, Head of R&D at Kapiva, insisted, “Several heart-related problems all begin because of unhealthy lifestyles and food choices however, this can all be avoided by making a couple of changes in lifestyle. These habits ensure that all heart illnesses and the possible risks that come along steer clear of you and your health.”

If you’ve ever been worried sick about your health and been looking to make changes to become a healthier and heartier version of yourself, Dr Kriti Soni revealed a list of habits that you must incorporate into your life to keep your heart smiling:

1. Make Ayurvedic herbs a part of your life

There are several Ayurvedic herbs that work wonders to maintain your heart health. Including ingredients like turmeric, amla, and fenugreek seeds will go a long way. Nisha Amalki is termed as the best Ayurvedic formulation for controlling high blood sugar levels. The magic potion is made with equal portions of amla powder and turmeric powder which if consumed daily can be extremely beneficial. Juices made with the mixture of amla, jamun and karela help keep those at risk of heart problems keep their blood sugar levels in control and are readily available in the market.

2. Exercise is the way to be!

Exercising is a no-brainer when it comes to the prevention of almost any and every disease. It helps maintain overall health and keeps the heart and the body happy. Any form of exercise- be it gym, yoga, or pranayama can help you to improve your metabolism and ensure the smooth functioning of the pancreas.

3. Ditch white sugar and make the switch to natural sugars

White sugar that the majority of us use daily has hardly any nutritional value and just has empty calories. Making it a part of your diet do you no good whatsoever. Thus, it is highly recommended to make the switch to consuming natural sugar from fruits, jaggery or honey. It is also advisable to boost your intake of fruits and vegetables with a low glycemic index and low glycemic loads like asparagus, artichoke, avocado, broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower.

4. Early dinners and a sound sleep

What sounds like the most basic and easiest is also the most important- a proper lifestyle. Food (Ahara) and lifestyle (Vihara) have a major impact on the health of your heart. All meals should have a proper gap in between. It is recommended to keep a gap of three hours between all your meals. Sleep is another crucial phenomenon to maintaining your heart health. One must get a sound sleep of at least 7 hours each day. It is proven to reduce chronic inflammation, manage physical & mental stress, improve immunity and cure hormonal issues.

Pledge to keep your heart smiling, incorporate these simple but consistent habits into your daily life to make your body as well as heart fit to live a long life!

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