Arms and legs tied, ruthless murder of youth by stuffing cloth in mouth: Hammer hurled at 3 youths in Jhansi, condition of two critical, case of land dispute

Jhansi36 minutes ago

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A young man was brutally beaten to death in Jhansi.

In Jhansi on Friday night, some assailants attacked 3 people. Hammers were killed by tying hands and feet and stuffing a cloth in the mouth. One youth died in this, while the condition of two remains critical. One has been admitted to the medical college, while the other has been referred to Gwalior. The matter of land dispute has come to the fore. The police is investigating the matter

The deal of land purchased for two weeks was canceled
Sahab Rajak, who was injured in the attack, has been referred from Jhansi to Gwalior.

Sahab Rajak, who was injured in the attack, has been referred from Jhansi to Gwalior.

Safa village resident Manoj Ahirwar (40) son Babulal and Hansari’s Vinod were together getting an Apex factory constructed on Mathurapura road. About two weeks ago, both had bought an acre of land near the factory for 30 lakhs. When he reached for the registry in Tehsil on Friday, the owner refused to sell the land. On Saturday, he was to return the earnest money of Rs 2.05 lakh.

7 people were having a party

Dadi Sunder Bai told that the grandson was tied with these clothes.

Dadi Sunder Bai told that the grandson was tied with these clothes.

After the cancellation of the land deal, there was a party in the under construction factory on Friday night. On Vinod’s call, Manoj left the house after picking up his bike. He made the laborer Durgapur resident Sahib Rajak (32) son Prakash Rajak sit on the bike by the way. A total of 7 people attended the party. It was told that Vinod and 3 others left the party at night. After this unknown assailants attacked Manoj Ahirwar, Sahab Rajak and Mahesh. When the relatives arrived in the morning, the hands and feet of all three were tied and cloth was stuffed in their mouth. After this the police was informed.

First of all, when the grandmother of the sahib reached, the difference was open.

File photo of deceased Manoj Kumar.

File photo of deceased Manoj Kumar.

Saheb Rajak, his wife Sangeeta, two children and grandmother Sundar Bai live in a chicken farmhouse opposite the factory. Dadi Sundar Bai said, “On Friday evening Manoj came with a bike and took his grandson with him. After that the sir did not come back. When I called around 10 pm, the number was switched off. After this, when he called Vinod at two o’clock in the night, he said that I have come home. Saheb was left in the factory.

I thought it was raining so Sabah slept in the factory. When she reached the factory at around 7 in the morning, the grandson was lying on the cot kept in the hut. His hands and feet were tied with cloth and cloth was stuffed in his mouth. After this, when she came home running, she fell 4 places on the way. After drinking the water filled in the field, gathered courage and somehow reached home. After this she came to the spot with the relatives. Then grandson and Mahesh were breathing. Manoj had died.

Formed two police teams

Women mourning after the attack.

Women mourning after the attack.

According to SSP Rajesh S, a case of land dispute has come up in the case. Two police teams have been formed to nab the accused. Soon the whole matter will be revealed.

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