Approval of the world’s first nasal corona vaccine: Made by Bharat Biotech, will be used as a booster dose; Will be available in private hospitals from today itself

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The Government of India has approved the world’s first nasal corona vaccine. Hyderabad-based Bharat Biotech, which manufactures Covaxin, has developed it in collaboration with the Washington University School of Medicine (WUSM). This vaccine taken from the nose can be applied as a booster dose. Firstly it will be made available in private hospitals, for which people will have to pay. According to the news agency, it has been included in the Corona vaccination program from today itself.

This nasal vaccine of Bharat Biotech has been named iNCOVACC. Earlier it was named BBV154. It will be delivered to the body through the nose. Its special thing is that it blocks both infection and transmission of corona as soon as it enters the body. This vaccine does not require injection, so there is no risk of injury. Also, healthcare workers will not need special training.

What is nasal vaccine?
At present, we are being vaccinated through injection into the muscles. This vaccine is called intramuscular vaccine. A nasal vaccine is one that is given through the nose. Because it is given through the nose, it is called an intranasal vaccine. That is, it does not need to be given by injection, nor is it administered like an oral vaccine. It’s kind of like a nasal spray.

How does the nasal vaccine work?
Many microbes, including the coronavirus, enter the body through mucosa (the moist, sticky substance that lines the nose, mouth, lungs, and digestive tract). The nasal vaccine produces an immune response directly in the mucosa itself.

That is, the nasal vaccine raises soldiers to fight from where the virus infiltrates the body. The nasal vaccine causes your body to produce immunoglobulin A (igA). IgA is believed to be more effective in preventing infection in the early stages. It prevents infection as well as prevents transmission.

The nasal vaccine is delivered through a pump into the nose.  Only a few drops of it are required to be given in a dose.

The nasal vaccine is delivered through a pump into the nose. Only a few drops of it are required to be given in a dose.

How different is it from other vaccines?
So far 8 vaccines have been approved in the country. These are all intramuscular vaccines, that is, they are given through injection. Whereas, BBV154 is an intranasal vaccine. If it is approved, it will be the country’s first intranasal vaccine. Right now Sputnik, Covishield and Covaxin are being installed in the country. All these three vaccines are double dose vaccines. BBV154 will only be given once.

Only one dose of nasal vaccine is effective

  • At present, two doses of the vaccine being used in India are being given. The vaccinated person is considered safe 14 days after the second dose. In such a situation, the nasal vaccine starts showing its effect within 14 days.
  • Effective nasal dosage will not only protect against coronavirus, but will also prevent the spread of the disease. Even mild symptoms will not be seen in the patient. The virus will also not be able to harm other parts of the body.
  • This is a single dose vaccine, due to which tracking is easy. Its side effects are also less as compared to intramuscular vaccine. Another big advantage of this is that there will be less waste of needles and syringes.

Vaccine will be given like booster dose
The intranasal vaccine will be given as a booster dose to those taking vaccines like Covaxin and Covishield. However, it can also be used as a primary vaccine. Bharat Biotech’s Managing Director and Chairman Dr. Krishna Ella had said some time ago that like polio, 4 drops of this vaccine is also enough. Two drops will be put in both the nostrils.

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