Another dreadful epidemic like Corona will create havoc in the world! These signs are visible

Another Coronavirus Like Pandemic: The world is still struggling with the coronavirus that came out three years ago. Meanwhile, a health analytical firm has claimed that a terrible epidemic like Corona can spread all over the world in the next decade. According to this health firm, there is a 27.5 percent chance of another severe epidemic coming to the fore due to the continuous exposure of viruses.

However, this London-based firm named Airfinity Limited has also said that if a vaccine is made for this epidemic in time, then the deaths due to it can be reduced. This firm told that climate change, increasing population and zoonotic diseases are further increasing this danger.

How dangerous will this epidemic be?

According to Airfinity, this epidemic can spread through human-to-human transmission, just like the bird flu virus. If this possible epidemic reaches its most serious condition, then 15 thousand people of Britain can die in one day.

However, it has also been said on behalf of the firm that if an effective vaccine is manufactured within 100 days by taking the right measures to avoid it, then the effect of this dangerous epidemic can be reduced by 8.1 percent.

Three epidemics have come in two decades

In the midst of Corona, now health experts have turned their attention to the danger of the next possible epidemic. In the last two decades, three forms of coronavirus, SARS, MERS and Kovid-19 have come before the world. Swine flu epidemic in 2009 can also be added to this.

H5N1 bird flu strain of bird flu is already increasing in a worrying manner. Although, its cases are not coming in large numbers right now, but its ability to spread from humans to humans is frightening. Not only this, no vaccine or treatment for MERS and Zika virus has been made yet. According to Airfinity, all these things are pointing towards a new dreadful epidemic.

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