Anna Hathaway spills the tea about Hugh Jackman’s surprising incidenton the set of Oscar winning Les Miserables

Hollywood heartthrob Hugh Jackman is known for his chivalrous demeanor and impeccable manners, making him the epitome of a true gentleman in the industry. However, his Les Miserables co-star Anne Hathaway recently revealed a surprising incident when Jackman lost his cool on set.
Anne Hathaway recently revealed a surprising incident about Hollywood heartthrob Hugh Jackman.

During the Hollywood Film Awards, Hathaway took the stage to present Jackman with an award and took the opportunity to share behind-the-scenes stories. Recalling their time filming Les Miserables, Hathaway stunned the audience with her revelation.

“In case you haven’t noticed, anarchy is the order of the day. So let’s flip the script. I once saw Hugh Jackman, the nicest guy in Hollywood, lose his sh*t,” Hathaway disclosed.

She went on to explain that the exhaustion of a long day’s shoot and a delay in production pushed Jackman to his limits. Hathaway described the moment when she confronted Jackman about his well-being, and his response left her taken aback.

“Hugh drew in a ragged, powerful breath, locked his gaze on mine, and said through gritted teeth, ‘Annie, it’s a lot,'” Hathaway revealed, emphasizing the intensity of Jackman’s frustration.

While Hathaway assured that it was the worst behavior she had witnessed from Jackman, she also highlighted his genuine gentlemanly nature. She jokingly tried to stir up another scandal by claiming that Jackman once confessed to having two cocktails in one night. However, she quickly clarified that he has never used his stardom to get away with anything or mistreat others.

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“No matter the situation, as much as you would like to flip the script on Hugh Jackman, you can’t. He has never, not once, used his artistry to get away with being a jerk,” Hathaway emphasized, praising Jackman’s integrity.

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