America’s big action, declared these 4 leaders of Al Qaeda and TTP as Global Terrorist

America News: America has taken a big action regarding terrorism. The US has declared the terrorists of Al-Qaeda and Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan as Global Terrorists. US State Department (US State DepartmentAnnouncing this, has announced the ban on Osama Mehmood, Atif Yahya Ghauri, Mohammad Maroof and Qari Amjad.

In a statement issued by the Ministry of External Affairs, it was said, ‘The Indian subcontinent has deployed its full array of anti-terrorist equipment to counter the threat posed by terrorist groups operating in Afghanistan, including Al-Qaeda (AQIS) and Tehreek-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP). Is committed to using the set.

On Thursday, December 1, the Department of State designated four AQIS and TTP leaders as Designated Global Terrorists (SDGTs) under Executive Order (EO) 13224 for their roles in their respective groups.

The people of both the terrorist organizations who have been put in the list of Global Terrorist by America are:

  • Osama Mahmood is the leader of AQIS.
  • Atif Yahya Gauri is the deputy leader of AQIS.
  • Muhammad Maroof is responsible for AQIS’s recruitment branch.
  • Qari Amjad, TTP. He oversees operations and militants in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

Ban on engaging in transactions

As a result of these actions, the property and interests in the property of these individuals were transferred to the U.S. Block in jurisdiction. Also all U.S. Individuals are prohibited from engaging in any transactions with them.

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