‘America will save Taiwan from China’s attack’, Joe Biden’s Xi Jinping

Joe Biden On Taiwan: US President Joe Biden has said that if China attacks Taiwan, the US Army will defend Taiwan. Biden has said this in an interview, after which tensions between China and America have increased once again. This statement of his is sure to further deteriorate the relationship between the two countries. China considers Taiwan as its part.

In the 60 Minutes program to be aired on CBS News, Biden was asked if China attacked Taiwan, would the US military, men and women protect it? Biden answered this by saying yes. After this interview, a statement also came from the White House, which said that there has been no change in US policy.

America will not send troops to Ukraine

So at the same time, on the question of war between Russia-Ukraine, Biden has said that the US military will not be involved in it. At the same time, Biden has given a shocking statement regarding the matter of Taiwan. While the US also supports the One China policy. Under this policy, the US believes that the issue of Taiwan should be resolved peacefully, but this policy does not say whether US forces can be sent in the event of China attack.

Tension between US and China over Taiwan

Significantly, since the visit of Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, tensions between the US and China over Taiwan have continued. Meanwhile, the US President says that he stands with Taiwan in every situation and if war comes, America will also provide military defense to Taiwan. Earlier in May, the US President was asked whether he would give military aid to defend Taiwan. In response to this question, Biden said that yes, this is the commitment.

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