America: The female employee went on lunch break, then the furious boss fired her out of the job!

American Company Fired Lady: Sometimes there are some such policies of the company, which create trouble for the employee. Something similar happened with a woman who violated a minor policy during working hours, instead of which she had to leave her job.

This incident is of a company in America where it fired its employee just because he took his lunch break during working hours. The woman’s name is being told as Tracy Sherwood. She worked at Lean Education and Development in Dudley, West Midlands, UK. Tracy had gone out with two of her other friends. For this reason, he had to lose his job.

tracy introduced foul

When Tracy Sherwood went out on lunch break with her colleagues, her managing director Maxine Jones came to know about it. The managing director of the company got angry on this matter. Actually this incident is of the year 2018. At that time the audit of the company was not done and many mistakes were revealed. It was during that time that Tracy was promoted. She was handling the responsibility of the Head of Compliance of the company. In such a situation, all the employees present in the company were informed that the business may be closed. The Managing Director says that such a move by Tracy is an introduction of dishonesty towards the company. After this he was fired from the apprenticeship training firm because of his conduct.

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Tracy got compensation of 12 lakhs

When the complaint of the whole matter was received by the Employment Tribunal, a hearing was held there. The decision of the case came in favor of Tracy. Due to the unfair dismissal of Tracy, he has also received a compensation of Rs 12 lakh.

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