America: Document theft, declining popularity and Capitol Hill violence .. Trump’s path in 2024 is not easy

Donald Trump: Former US President Donald Trump is going to enter the election field once again. Trump has announced that he will contest the 2024 presidential election. He has also presented the necessary documents before the US Election Commission. In this way, he is going to contest the presidential election for the third time. Trump says that America needs to be brought back on track and that is why he will contest the presidential election again. However, Trump’s path is not as easy as he is thinking. This time Trump will have to face these 5 challenges in the election field.

1. Mistakes of the previous term

His previous term in front of Trump will prove to be his first challenge. When Trump was elected President, voters trusted his promises. During his tenure, Trump did many important things, from tax reduction to reforms in the field of criminal justice, but he could not succeed in fulfilling some promises. America’s health system had badly collapsed during the Corona period. Because of this, he was thrown out of power by the public in 2020. In 2024, he will have to face all these things again.

2. Capitol Hill incident

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The incident that took place in Capitol Hill on January 6, 2020 had embarrassed America in front of the whole world. It is not easy to forget the way Trump supporters ransacked the Capitol Hill building. The good thing for Trump is that the US Senate has given him a clean chit in this incident.

3. Declining popularity with increasing age

His growing age will also prove to be a big challenge in front of Trump. If Trump wins the next election, he will be 78 years old when he takes the oath. In such a situation, he will take the title of the second oldest President in American history. Declining popularity with increasing age is also a matter of concern for Trump. Trump’s popularity has declined significantly compared to earlier. After Trump’s claim, the Conservative group released some polls. In which Trump is trailing his own party’s Ron DeSantis in Iowa and New Hampshire.

4. Allegations of fraud for taking loans

These days Trump is stuck in many legal issues. He has been accused of giving false information and tax evasion to take a loan. In this case, a case has been filed against his three children and his family company ‘The Trump Organization’. It is alleged that he has committed fraud several times between 2011-21. At the same time, Trump has called it an act of revenge.

5. Accused of stealing intelligence documents

There is an allegation against Trump that while leaving the White House, he had taken all the documents related to national security with him. In this case, the FBI also raided his house. This was the first time in the history of America that the FBI raided the house of a former President. Overall, many challenges are going to come in front of Trump in 2024, it will be interesting to see how he deals with them.

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