After the relaxation of the Kovid Zero policy, the virus is again creating a ruckus in China, there is also a shortage of medicines

China Corona Update: Corona virus has once again increased the difficulties of China. Corona cases are increasing rapidly. Medical supplies have come to a standstill all over China. Long queues of people are being seen at the medicine shops. In view of the boom in Kovid cases, Jinping’s government is trying to improve the health services. In view of the ongoing protests against the lockdown in China, the government has recently relaxed the zero covid rules.

The Jinping government is now increasing the number of Covid care centers. Apart from this, efforts are being made to strengthen the health services in the hospitals. President Xi Jinping’s government has made it clear that it is determined to stop the transmission of the coronavirus. In view of the protests, now the government will not implement strict rules like lockdown or quarantine. The government will now rein in Corona through other methods instead of strict rules of Kovid Zero policy like lockdown, quarantine or ban on travel. The government has prepared a strategy for this.

Special attention to the health of the elderly

According to media reports, on Thursday (December 08), the government held a cabinet meeting, in which a strategy was prepared to monitor hospitals to deal with Kovid. Instructions have been given to ensure adequate staff as well as supply of medicines in the hospitals. It has been instructed by the government that special attention will be given to the health of people above 65 years.

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Medicine shortage in China

Medical supplies have come to a standstill all over China. Long queues of people are being seen at the medicine shops. The situation is so bad that people have to wander from door to door for medicines and other medical equipment. Where the goods are available, the prices are many times more than normal. To remove this shortcoming, it has been announced to soften the Covid restrictions.

Shortage of medicines due to these reasons

There are two main reasons behind the sudden shortage of medicines. The first is that the cases of corona are increasing rapidly in China. Due to the increase in cases, the demand for medicines has increased. On the other hand, the second reason is the relaxation in lockdown. Earlier people were locked in homes and were also doing shopping, but as soon as the lockdown was relaxed, the crowd started coming out. People are already buying medicines for their protection. The sudden increase in demand has also created panic.

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