After the death of the patient, the ruckus of the relatives in the hospital: the patient suffering from headache was admitted in Mau, doctors accused of negligence

mauOne hour ago

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A patient suffering from headache was admitted by his family members to Icon Hospital located in old tehsil of Mau Nagar, shortly after which the patient’s condition deteriorated and the family members were asked to take the patient to Banaras. As soon as the family members picked up the patient to take them to Benares, the family members realized that their patient was dead, then the family members created a ruckus outside the hospital.

Anil, the father of the deceased Anjit, told that my child had a headache, so I had brought my child to Icon Hospital to show him, the doctor said, get the patient admitted here, it will be right in some time. After which I admitted my child to this hospital. The hospitalists deposited the entire money before the treatment and after his health deteriorated, the doctor told that he would have to be taken from here to Banaras. As soon as I picked up my child, I realized that my child was not breathing and my son was dead.

Family members creating ruckus in the hospital.

Family members creating ruckus in the hospital.

The relatives accused the hospital administration that even after the death of the patient, the hospitalists had deposited the entire money, after which they talked about taking the patient to Benares but the patient was dead. The relatives told that the patient had some pain in the head due to which we admitted the patient here but he died after a few hours.

The relatives of the patient accused the doctors of the hospital and said that if the doctors had treated them properly, the patient would not have died due to the negligence of the doctors. At first, the doctors had said after seeing the patient that it would be cured in a while, but after a few hours such an incident happened. After which the family members sat outside the hospital and created a ruckus. The police reached the spot and pacified the matter after persuading the family members.

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