Active cases of corona decreased for the eighth consecutive day: 4,282 new cases were found in 24 hours, 14 deaths; Daily case less than 5 thousand after 25 days

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For the last 8 days, new cases are getting less than 10 thousand. Last time on April 22, 10 thousand 112 new cases of corona were found.

In the last day, 4 thousand 282 new cases of corona have been reported, 6 thousand 037 people have been cured, whereas, 14 people have died due to this disease. Less than 5 thousand new cases have been found in the country after 25 days. Earlier on April 4, 4 thousand 435 new cases were found. Active cases are continuously decreasing in the country. There were 47 thousand 246 active cases on the previous day. Earlier on April 12, 44,998 people were under treatment.

New cases are getting less than 10 thousand since 8 days
On April 22, 10 thousand 112 new cases of corona were found, while 29 people died. Since then, less than 10 thousand new cases have been found continuously. On Sunday (April 23), 6 thousand 904 new cases were reported, 16 people died. On Monday (April 24), 6 thousand 934 new infected were found. There were 24 deaths there.

On Tuesday (April 25), 9 thousand 629 cases were registered and 29 people died. At the same time, on Wednesday i.e. (April 26) also 9 thousand 355 cases were reported. On Thursday i.e. (April 27), 7 thousand 533 new cases were found. 44 people had died.

On Friday (April 28), 7 thousand 171 cases were found and 40 people died. On Saturday (April 29), 5 thousand 874 new cases were reported and 25 people died.

More than 57% new cases in top-5 states, Kerala at the forefront

In the last 24 hours, 4,282 new corona patients were found in the country. Of these, 2,443 cases are in only 5 states. This is more than 57% of the total figures.

Kerala: 942 new cases were found here, 1,329 people got cured, while 6 people died. Currently there are 10,730 active cases here.

Maharashtra: 425 new cases were reported here last day and 499 people were cured. Not a single person has died. Currently there are 4,005 active cases.

Delhi: 405 new cases came here, while 3 people died. There 811 people have recovered from Corona. There are 3,031 active cases here.

Uttar Pradesh: 351 new cases were found here, 1 died. Whereas 434 people have recovered from Corona. There are 2,897 active cases here. Read full news…

Haryana: 320 new cases were found here, not even one has died. Whereas 455 people have recovered from Corona. There are 3,830 active cases here.

Know the condition of other states as well.

136 new corona patients found in Bihar in 24 hours, around 400 active cases in Patna
For the second consecutive day, a decline in the number of active corona patients was recorded in Bihar. The number of active patients in the state was 844 on Saturday, which came down to 799 on Sunday. The number of corona patients in Patna has reached close to 400. Read full news…

The speed of corona decreased in Chhattisgarh, 71 new patients were found in the last 24 hours

Now the speed of corona has started decreasing in Chhattisgarh. Only 71 patients have been found in the last 24 hours, although the number of testing has also decreased as compared to the previous days. Only 1046 tests were done across the state, although it is a matter of relief that no one has died due to Corona. Read full news…

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