Action will be taken against teachers who disappear without informing: Rampur DM formed a team for investigation, will be raided in the council school

Rampur35 minutes ago

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District Magistrate Ravindra Mandad while holding a meeting with the officers of the Administrative and Education Department in the Collectorate Auditorium.

In Rampur’s council schools, cases of teachers being absent without informing are coming to the fore. Now the district administration has shown strictness on this. The team of administrative officers will take sudden guerilla action in the schools. Strict action will also be taken against the teachers who are found missing without informing them.

Formation of team of administrative and education department
A team of administrative officers has been constituted on the orders of the DM. The team will check the teachers in the schools of the district. It will also investigate their work. The district administration has given strict instructions that all the teachers should be serious about their responsibilities. Provide better education to the children by being present in school on time.

DM Ravindra Mandar told that the administrative officers and the officers of the education department would suddenly raid the schools. Along with the attendance of team teachers, the approval of leave of absent teachers and other works will be verified as per rules.

District administration will honor good teachers
The DM said that the district administration will also honor good teachers, but such teachers are challenging the system by leaving the work of teaching. Don’t take your responsibilities seriously. Such teachers are being identified. Strict action will be taken against them. Teacher’s Day will be celebrated with great pomp on 5th September.

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