A heart-wrenching massacre took place in Chicago on Valentine’s Day, the city was shaken by brutality

Valentine’s Day Chicago: 14th February is celebrated all over the world as a festival of love, preparations for this start a week in advance. Every couple eagerly waits for this special day. Although this day is also remembered for different reasons in countries around the world, similarly the people of Chicago also remember a massacre on February 14 apart from Valentine’s Day. Several decades ago, on this day, seven people were brutally killed at the same place. This massacre is discussed till today.

In fact, February 14, ie Valentine’s Day, is also called the day of the Valentine Massacre in Chicago. If you search this keyword on Google, then you will get all the information about this dreadful incident. On February 14, 1929, at 10:30 in the morning, this soul-shaking incident took place in a garage on the North Side of Chicago. When seven people were fired with multiple bullets simultaneously. A total of four people were involved in this massacre. In this, two shooters were wearing police uniforms, while the others were wearing suits, ties, overcoats and caps.

who were the dead
Five members of George “Bugs” Moran’s North Side Gang were among those killed in the massacre. Moran’s second in command and brother-in-law, Albert Kashalek, was killed along with Adam Heyer, the gang’s bookkeeper and business manager, Albert Weinshank. All of them managed many cleaning and dyeing jobs for Moran. Apart from this, two gang associates Frank Gusenberg and Peter Gusenberg were also shot. This massacre was so dangerous that every person who died was shot more than 20 bullets.

Gusenberg died in the hospital
Chicago police officers arrived at the scene and found that Frank Gusenberg was still alive. He was taken to the hospital, where the doctors stabilized him for some time and the police tried to interrogate him. He had 14 bullets. The police asked him who did this. He did not give any specific information to the police. He died three hours later.

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