5 simple and effective ways to love your Mondays

Monday anxiety is a real thing and sometimes no amount of motivation is enough to ease it. After a fun weekend and a relaxing time, getting back to work mode can be tricky for many. The deadlines, the pending work, the start-of-the week tasks all can take a toll. Besides not all of us may be in love with our jobs and Mondays could raise the stress levels way too much. Also, people who are prone to anxiety, depression and other such issues may not like to meet too many people and after a gap of two days, Mondays can be uncomfortable for them. It is not without a reason that Mondays are the most hated days universally. But it is possible to turn around Mondays and utilise them to give a good start for the whole week. You can in fact make Mondays fun by planning them in advance – on Friday itself – to make them most memorable and productive. (Also read: 7 breathing exercises to try when you are feeling anxious)

Aishwarya Raj, Clinical Psychologist, formerly associated with AIIMS, practicing in Delhi NCR, in an interview with HT Digital suggests 5 ways to give your week a brilliant start.

1. Adopt a Monday morning routine

This might be as simple as buying an iced coffee from your favourite cafe or cleaning up your office, so it’s clean and ready for the week ahead. Having just one “fun” habit makes this morning something you look forward to daily.

2. On Friday evening, schedule your Monday mornings

Anyone who has trouble turning their brain off at night can benefit from the tried-and-true productivity method of creating a to-do list at the end of the day. This allows you to leave your responsibilities home for the weekend, which may make you feel less confused on Monday morning.

3. Seek out natural light

Getting a dose of natural light may be all you need to brighten your morning. Open the blinds, enjoy breakfast outside, water your vegetable garden, or go on a walk. Perform a random act of kindness.

4. Dress up a little bit

It may sound a little shallow, but dressing up a little extra always helps me feel ready to face whatever the day has in store for you. Doing something you might not do every day, but it always makes you feel like the best, most confident version of yourself.

5. Plan an enjoyable activity for a break in your day

We should all take regular breaks to get up from our offices and stretch our legs. On Mondays, put something on your to-do list that is solely for your personal pleasure (to do during your break time, of course).

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