5 helpful tips to find the right therapist

People often freak out when they hear the word ‘therapy‘. Seeing a therapist is not a sign of weakness, but a significant step toward self-care and healing. It is important to get the help you need sooner than later. Therapy isn’t just beneficial for those with mental illness, it can benefit anyone going through stress, marital/relationship problems, parenting, increasing motivation, managing intense emotions, or life transitions. Therapy can help you share your experiences, explore your options, and develop the skills needed to manage different life challenges in a safe, non-judgmental environment.

One important criterion when looking for a therapist is to find someone who you feel comfortable with. Developing a good relationship with your therapist can be vital in your therapeutic journey. Sometimes finding the right therapist takes time, but you need to make sure you are thorough in your search. (Also read: Early signs of mental health issues and how to get help )

Dr. Natasha, Clinical Psychologist, shared helpful tips to find the right therapist in her Instagram post.

1. Ask people for recommendations

Ask people you trust if they have any commendations. It can be helpful to find a therapist if someone already had a helpful experience.

2. Search online to find a therapist

Do an online search for therapists in your area or for your specific mental health issue. There are certain websites that have the data of all the certified therapists in your area and can be helpful in finding the right therapist for you.

3. Explore your options before committing

Book a 10-15 minutes complimentary phone consultation with a few therapists before you choose one. You want to make sure you find the right fit before committing to any treatment.

4. Ask questions about their qualification, training, and experience

During your phone consult with a therapist, you are getting to know about your therapist, so ask questions about their qualifications, experience, and training. Some people might be anxious to ask these questions, however, many therapists including myself encourage clients to ask these questions to really get to know if a therapist is professionally competent or trained in treating the problem/issue you are experiencing.

5. Discuss what you would like to get out of therapy

It is important to know what your goals are because that will help you find therapists that are best suited in that specific area.

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